Articles & Slides:
Overview of Mazon Creek Fossils
Tully Monster
Jack Wittry's General Meeting Presentation 2009
- Wittry, Jack 2019, "A Comprehensive Guide To The Fossil Flora of Mazon Creek", Chicago, ESCONI Associates, 202 pp. ISBN 978-0-578-22892-1 (Can be purchased on ebay, Amazon, and at ESCONI General Meetings)
- Wittry, Jack 2012, "The Mazon Creek Fossil Fauna", Chicago, ESCONI Associates, 202 pp. ISBN-10: 0578111489 (Can be purchased on ebay, Amazon, and at ESCONI General Meetings)
- Wittry, Jack. 2006, "The Mazon Creek Fossil Flora", Chicago, ESCONI Associates, 164 pp. ISBN 978-1932433715 (Can be purchased on ebay, Amazon, and at ESCONI General Meetings)
- Earth Science Club of Northern Illinois, 1986, "Keys to Identify Pennsylvanian Fossil Plants of the Mazon Creek Area (revised Edition)". Downers Grove, IL. (P.O. Box 321, Downers Grove 60515): Earth Science Club of Northern Illinois, 60pp.
- Earth Science Club of Northern Illinois, 1989, "Keys to Identify Pennsylvanian Fossil Animals of the Mazon Creek Area (revised Edition)". Downers Grove, IL. (P.O. Box 321, Downers Grove 60515): Earth Science Club of Northern Illinois, 125pp.
- Andy A. Hay and Don Auler(Illustrator), "Creature Corner", Downers Grove, IL. (P.O. Box 321, Downers Grove 60515): Earth Science Club of Northern Illinois, 78 Pages, 126 Black and White Drawings
- R.E. Janssen, 1939, "Leaves and stems from fossil forest". Illinois State Museum, Popular Science Series, I: 190pp (Revised 1979)
- J.R. Jennings, 1990, "Guide to Pennsylvanian Fossil Plants of Illinois", Illinois State Geological Survey, Educational Series, 13: 1-75.
- C.W. Shabica and A.A. Hay (Editors). 1997, "Richardson's Guide to The Fossil Fauna of Mazon Creek", Chicago: Northeastern Illinois University, 309pp. ISBN 0-925065-21-8
- Roy Plotnick. 2022, "Explorers of Deep Time, Paleontologists and the History of Life"
Paleontology is one of the most visible yet most misunderstood fields of science. Children dream of becoming paleontologists when they grow up. Museum visitors flock to exhibits on dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals. The media reports on fossil discoveries and new clues to mass extinctions. Nonetheless, misconceptions abound: paleontologists are assumed only to be interested in dinosaurs and they are all too often pictured as bearded white men in battered cowboy hats. A behind-the-scenes look at paleontology as it exists today in all its complexity is provided. This book can be found under Columbia University Press.
- Dennis R. Kolata , Bulletin 108, 2021, "Fossils of the Upper Ordovician Platteville Formation in the Upper Midwest USA: An Overview"
This 328-page hardback volume includes over 1200 full-color, high-resolution photographs of fossil specimens collected from the Upper Ordovician Platteville Formation in the Upper Midwest USA. The described and illustrated fossil assemblage includes exceptionally well-preserved sponges, corals, bryozoans, brachiopods, polyplacophorans, gastropods, bivalves, rostroconchs, cephalopods, trilobites, ostracodes, echinoderms, graptolites, cornulitids, hyolithids, macroalgae, and a wide variety of trace fossils. This overview is directed to students, collectors, and professional paleontologists. Insights regarding past climate and the environments in which life thrived, and ultimately shed light on the history of life on our planet are reviled. This resource can be found under Illinois Prairie Research Institute.
Illinois State Museum Mazon Creek Collections Database
How to:
Collect in IDNR Mazonia-Braidwood site
Activities at Mazonia-Braidwood SFWA
Fossil Permit
Open a Nodule
IDNR Map of Mazonia-Braidwood
Illinois State Museum: Mazon Creek Fossils
University of California Museum of Paleontology