Braceville—Mazon Creek Fossils. Free. Members only - (how to become a member) Collecting
Mazon Creek Fossils on private property. Meet at 8:00 A.M. Saturday at
the BP Amoco in Coal City. No Age Limit. Hard Hats not required. Take
I-55 to Exit 236 (Coal City). Take a right onto Highway 113 (Division
Street). Go west to Broadway Street and Division in Coal City. We will
be collecting Mazon Creek concretions from an old spoil pile on private
Hard hats are not required. Boots are recommended. An Estwing rock hammer is the best tool. A small shovel or pick is helpful. Knee pads, backpacks, fanny packs, extra clothes (you will get wet and muddy) are also a plus. Bring a bucket for the fossils. Also bring insect repellent. Contact John Good at 630-483-2363 for reservations or e-mail at [email protected]