Update as of Oct.1: The mine engineer has requested that we change the starting time from 1PM to 12 noon. He has also provided a map of the mine area showing traffic flow. I will send this to those who sign up so you'll know where to park. Remember to bring hard hats and safety vests if you have them. I found that Lowe's carries safety vests. Underground temperature is always between 50 and 55 deg F - dress accordingly.
We have permission to take a small group into the LaFarge South Elgin ("Fox River") Mine on Friday, Oct 8th, starting at 1 PM. This is more of a mining/geology trip, and not a fossil trip. You can keep any fossils you find, if you find any at all. This is a working, room-and-pillar (shaft) mine in the Platteville and Galena Group Ordovician rocks. They produce dolomite for road rock and cement. They do not work Fridays, so the mine will be relatively quiet (and dark).
Rules: MUST be at least 18 years of age, and an ESCONI member. MUST wear hard-toed shoes and bring safety glasses. If you have a hard hat and safety vest, bring them. Limited to 15 people. Sign up by sending me an email including names of people interested in going - first come, first served. I'll acknowledge by return email. I've asked for about 45 minutes underground. We will be walking in, down the slanted shaft. They normally drive in, but our group size makes that impractical. You will get training on mine rules, safety and emergency breathing equipment.
Location: The LaFarge Fox River Stone Quarry/Mine is located on the north side of Rt 31 south of South Elgin, immediately west of the intersection with McLean Blvd. Due to construction McLean Blvd is closed. I'd suggest checking a map for the part of Rt 31 that runs more or less E-W just south of South Elgin. I believe there is a forest preserve on the other side of 31, and Vasa Park is just east of there.
Other info: Bring a hammer if you wish, and of course a flashlight. When I was there last year we did manage to find a few very small gastropod fossils. I had a camera with me and took some pictures. The blackness really eats up the flash. Did I say it is dark in there? Really, really dark. If you're claustrophobic this may not be the place for you. That being said, it is a big underground mine which seems to go on forever into the blackness.
If there are any questions let me know. Dave
fossil54@att. net