August 26–28—South Bend, IN. Michiana Gem and Mineral Society's 48th Annual Jewelry, Gem, and Mineral Show and Sale, St. Joseph Cnty. 4-H Fairgrounds, Esther Singer Bldg., 5177 S. Ironwood Rd. Info.—Marie Crull, 574/272-7209, or [email protected], or
Friday, August 26 - ESCONI Board Meeting. 7:30 p.m. NOTE! ROOM CHANGE! College of Dupage, Student Resource Center, Room 1450A - (find in the back of the cafeteria!)
Sat., August 27 “Fossil Collecting Field Trip” Lizzadro Museum of Lapidary Art, Ages 8 yrs. to Adult, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Fee: $43.00 per person, Museum Members $38.00, Reservations Required,
(630) 833-1616
Sat, Sun? August 27th & 28th - Mazon Creek Fossil Tour - hosted by I & M Canal Corrider Association. (not an ESCONI-hosted trip) 1:30 p.m. Saturday for introductory session; 1:30 p.m. Aug. 28 for advanced session. Read more: Email: [email protected], Phone: 815-223-1851, Website:, Saturday 2:00 PM - 7:00 PM, Sunday - ? call for info.All proceeds will go to the Canal Corridor Association to help preserve I & M Canal history, protect its environment, and create tourism. $150 per person, Reservations required.
Friday, Sept 2 - Behind the Scenes Tour of Field Museum. 9:30 am to 2:30 pm. $74, includes entry to museum, class code - YEMS-0010-010. All ages. Sign up through College of Dupage's web site or call Georgia Madden at (630) 942-2063. Less than 1% of the Field Museum's specimens are actually on display - so sign up for this unique class! Rob Sula will lead the tour of the fossil preparation labs and the dermestid beetle room and then the fossil exhibits.