I still am thinking about the great opportunities that the Geological Society of America Annual Meeting offers to undergrad and graduate geoscience students:
- Mentor programs
- Short courses
- Employment Service Center
- Field Trips
- Graduate School Information
- And many other events that provide networking, e.g., alumni parties, presentations, interviews with grad school professors, ...
In the next few days, I'll share brief notes from two presentations I attended on Mineral Resources and Rare Earth Minerals. If you want to read some other's notes and thoughts on other presentations at the GSA, check out the GSA blog roll.
But until then, I do want to quickly mention one presentation that got people buzzing and media attention... the Triassic Kraken talk, in which the idea presented, as I understand it, is that "Kraken" arranged their dead in an artistic manner. Geotweeps reviews the outcome. Christian Science Monitor wrote a couple articles.
Elaine attended the presentation. People were packed into the room and out into the hall. She heard people whispering to each other during the talk - "Brilliant" or "Outlandish".