We have a few field trips coming up. To attend field trip, one needs to be a member of ESCONI, which is easy to do! The St.Paul field trip is limited to age 18 and above. However, under 18 yr members are welcome to the Schingoethe field trip and the Braceville field trip.
Sun, 4/15 - ESCONI Field Trip - Schingoethe Center for Native American Culturesat 1:30 pm. We will meet inside the Center entrance. Cost is $4 per person, which includes a guided tour. Located in Aurora University in Dunham Hall, The Schingoethe Center for Native American Cultures holds more than 8,000 Native American artificacts. Contact Bryan Nugent at 630-960-5147 to sign up or to find out more information.
Fri, 4/27 - ESCONI Fossil Field Trip, St. Paul, Indiana - meet at the quarry office by 7:45 am (6:45 am Chicago time). Normal safety equipment is needed - hard hat, protective boots, eye protection. To get to the office take I65 south around Indianapolis to 174. Exit and Exit 123 go south to Michigan Av. right to N. County Road 800 W left following signs to St. Paul. Go through the town over the railroad tracks past town, ending up on Mound Rd, to office on right. Indiana state law that no one under 18 is allowed in quarries.
Sat & Sun, ESCONI Field Trip - Collecting Mazon Creek Fossils on private property. Meet at 8:00 A.M. Saturday at the BP Amoco in Coal City. No Age Limit. Hard Hats not required. Take I-55 to Exit 236 (Coal City). Take a right onto Highway 113 (Division Street). Go west to Broadway Street and Division in Coal City. We will be collecting Mazon Creek concretions from an old spoil pile on private property. Hard hats are not required. Boots are recommended. An Estwing rock hammer is the best tool. A small shovel or pick is helpful. Knee pads, backpacks, fanny packs, extra clothes (you will get wet and muddy) are also a plus. Bring a bucket for the fossils. Also bring insect repellant. Contact John Good at 1-630-483-2363 for reservations or e-mail at [email protected]. Or, on the day of the trip, contact John Good at 630-303-2352.