E-books (self-publishing) are becoming more popular.
Here is an e-book being sold on E-bay about Mazon Creek Animal Fossils. The author, TVTesta, is a previous member of ESCONI, as well as speaker to the Paleontology study groups. He is also a subject of a 2004 Chicago Reader article about the Mazon Creek fossils: http://www.chicagoreader.com/chicago/the-vanishing-mother-lode-of-mazon-creek/Content?oid=915941
Partial description of Mazon Creek Animal Fossils:
.... The sole
purpose of this book is to share photographs of remarkable and interesting
museum quality Mazon Creek fossil specimens from the private collection of T.V.
Testa.... This volume
contains photos of Mazon Creek fossil animals including; the amphibian
Aornerpeton, the arthropod Concavicaris, Cyclus, and Halicyne, the centipede
Latzelia, the chiton Glaphurochiton, coelacanth fish Rhabdoderma, jellyfish Anthracomedusa, Etacystis and
Octomedusa, the crustacean Acanthotelson, Anthracophausia, Belotelson,
Dithyrocaris, Hesslerella, Illilepas, Kallidecthes, Kellibrooksia, Mamayocaris,
Palaeocaris, Tyrannophontes, the enigmatic Escumasia, the fish Conchopoma, Elonichthys, Gilpichthys and Rhabdoderma, the lamprey
Mayomyzon, the hexapod Testajapyx, horse-shoe crab Euproops and Palaeolimulus,
millipede Xyloiulus, myriopod Kottixerxes and Smithixerxes, onychophoran
Ilyodes, Palaeoxyris, priapulid Priapulites, the scallop Aviculopecten,
sea-cucumber Achistrum, sea-scorpion Adelophthalmus, shark Acanthodes and
Bandringa, the worm Astreptoscolex, Copronoscolex, Didontogaster, Dryptoscolex,
Esconites, Fossundecima, Hystriciola, Levsettius, Pieckonia, and
Rhaphidophorus, Tullimostrum (Tully Monster), and many un-named insects.