4/19 - Sat | ESCONI Paleontology Meeting 7:30 p.m. College of Dupage, - Tech Ed Building (TEC), Room 1038B (Map) Topic: Jack Wittry, Bandringa sharks and the Shark nursery at Mazon creek, including discussion on the Shark Egg case fossil, palaeoxyris. |
4/25 - Fri | ESCONI Board Meeting. 7:30 p.m. College of Dupage, Teleconference Meeting. Members are always welcome, so if you wish to attend, just contact Dianna at [email protected] to be sent the phone number to call in with. |
4/26 - Sat | Lizzadro Museum of Lapidary Art, Rock Identification, Activity - Ages 8 yrs. to Adult - 75 minutes; Classes April 26 - 10:30 a.m. for children April 26 - 1:30 p.m. for adults only, May 10 - 10:30 a.m. adults & children; Admission: $5.00 per person; Museum Members $3.00;http://www.typepad.com/site/blogs/6a0105351bb26c970c0105351bb272970c/post/6a0105351bb26c970c01a51191f4e8970c/edit Reservations Required (630) 833-1616 or by email |
4/26 - Sat |
There will be an ESCONI field trip to the Farm Quarry near Durand, Illinois on Saturday, April 26, 2014 from 9AM to 2PM.
This location is also known as Trask Bridge Quarry.
The rock is Ordovician, Platteville Group. This is a "hard-rock" quarry (limestone or dolostone), not shale like Vulcan. The site is owned by William Charles Construction. The quarry is not currently active.
Rules (you knew there had to be some) CLICK HERE TO READ THE RULES AND HOW TO SIGN UP
4/26 - Sat | Archaeology Study Group Meeting. 7:30 p.m. College of Dupage, - Tech Ed Building (TEC), Room 1038B (Map) Topic: The hidden art in ancient cylinder, lead, and ring seals. Take a step back in time over 4,000 years and explore the ancient world of cylinder, lead, and ring seals. From the beginning of civilization as we know it in Mesopotamia through the middle ages, cultures have used various types of seals to authenticate and seal documents, prove ownership, and were often used as amulets. In addition to functionality, seals are also known for their artistic quality. The seal that a person owned, was often representative of their hierarchical status in the community. Eric will discuss some of the key varieties of these ancient seals, and look at the artistic qualities that made them an absolute treasure of the ancient world. If you have an interest in the ancient world or art in general, be sure to attend this discussion and see why seals are perhaps one of the most beautiful treasures which are certainly one of a kind, and often no larger than a quarter In addition, Eric will bring a couple different seals to coincide with the lecture. The seals, are about 2000 years old and are a good representation of artistic qualities from the ancient world. |
4/27 - Sun |
Carbon Hill Historical Society Open House, noon til 5 pm. We will show a video of an interview from some years ago of a miner talking about working underground finding fossil "nests", as he called them. Tom Testa will be on hand with his book and bring some specimens on display.