Image courtesy of Richie Kurkewcz
Over at, the Trilobite of the Month for April 2016 is Stummiana arkonensis. It's a Middle Devonian trilobite from the Widder Formation, Hamilton Group of Arkona, Ontario, Canada. Check it out on the website. The website is invaluable for everything trilobite. Check it out today!
The Trilobite of the Month for the April 2016 is a beautiful multiple specimen of what was once considered genus Greenops, a member of Order Phacopida, Suborder Phacopina. The continuation of details of thoracic structures into the lobes of the pygidium (so that one can scarcely tell where the thorax ends and the pygidium begins) is a hallmark of the family Acastidae, and is referred to as homonomy. I also enjoy the completeness of the individuals, making up this specimen, as well as the differences in size. Today's image courtesy of Richie Kurkewcz.