There will be a field trip for ESCONI members on Saturday, July 13, 2019 to an Ordovician, hard-rock quarry in Roscoe, IL (north of Rockford). We visited this quarry before in May 2017. The trip starts at 9 AM and ends at 12 noon. Rules are as follows:
- You must be an ESCONI member as of July 10, 2019.
- Everyone in your party must be at least 18 years of age.
- Because this is a combined trip with RRVGMS, there are only 20 open slots for ESCONI members.
- The address of the quarry is 6832 Swanson Rd, Roscoe, IL.
- We will have site-specific training at the quarry, and everyone will sign a waiver.
- You must have the following safety gear: sturdy (preferably steel-toed) boots, hard hat, safety glasses and safety vest.
- Please review the Code of Ethics and Conduct on the ESCONI website. You will be expected to sign-in at the quarry. By signing you agree to follow the Code of Ethics and the conditions on the ESCONI Liability and Waiver form (sent by email to those that sign up). You do not need to print out the ESCONI waiver form, just know what you’re agreeing to.
To sign up for this field trip, send me (Dave) an email with the number of members attending. My email address is: [email protected] No phone calls please. Do NOT call the quarry. I will confirm via return email within 24 hours. If you do not hear back from me within that time, send it again!