Cover of the first edition of the bulletin
ESCONI (Earth Science Club of Northern Illinois) was founded on November 11, 1949 with an initial meeting of 13 people interested in Earth Sciences. William Allaway was the 1st President of ESCONI.
The purpose of ESCONI: The aim of the Earth Science Club of Northern Illinois is to promote an interest in the earth sciences, among these are geology, paleontology, mineralogy, micromounting, and the lapidary arts.
The ESCONI Bulletin, Earth Science News, has been published 11 times per year continuously since January 1950.
Excerpts from the original historical document (NewsletterHistory.pdf)
On November 11, 1949. Thirteen People, each interested in some phase of the Earth Sciences, met in the basement of the W.H. Allaway home in Downers Grove, Illinois to discuss their common interest. They were Jay Farr, W.H.Allaway, Helen Allaway, Herb Beck, Bob Beck, Roy Beghtol, LeRoy Beghtol, Steven T. Norvell, Dr. Spiesman, Guy Spiesman, Donald Thayer, Annie Besser and Harry Thayer.
Out of their enthusiasm and discussion, the idea grew that there must be more people in the western suburbs interested in these same subjects in this vicinity. They adjourned for the evening with plans formulated to circulate the idea among friends and acquaintances and to call a special meeting on November 25th for further discussion.
November 25, 1949. Thirty -two people arrived at the home of Dr. Speisman to discuss the idea further. Mr. Allaway acted as temporary chairman and Guy Spiesman as temporary Secretary. Committees were appointed to begin the ground work for a club that would embody geology, paleontology, paleobotany, mineralogy, ancient man and the lapidary arts. Committees were: Nominating --to appoint a slate of officers, Constitution and By-laws, Meeting place, Membership Chairman - Roy Beghtol. Discussion of a name for the new organization to be present at the next meeting with a prize offered for the winner. It was decided to print a bulletin at regular intervals. Herb Beck agreed to print announcement cards for the next meeting to be held January 6, 1950.
December 12, 1949 First regular meeting - 62 present with 27 becoming regular members. Officers elected: Chairman - W.H. Allaway, Vice-Chairman - Roy Beghtol, Recording Secretary - Jay Farr, Treasurer - Steven T. Norvell, Historian-Curator - Ethel Whitney....