There will be a field trip to the Cheney Limestone quarry near Bellevue, MI on September 12, 2020, from 10 AM to 3 PM (Eastern). This is a joint trip between ESCONI and the Kalamazoo Geological and Mineral Society (KGMS). There are 20 spots for ESCONI members.
The rock formation at this quarry is the Bayport Limestone, Mississippian in age, in the Michigan Basin
Both fossils and minerals can be found there. Typical fossils include brachiopods, corals, pelecypods and echinoderms, often coated with glauconite. Minerals include calcite, barite, pyrite, marcasite and chalcopyrite. Also rarely found are sphalerite, fluorite, celestine and vivianite. Mostly medium-temperature hydrothermal minerals.
The quarry is located at 9400 Sand Rd, Bellevue, MI.
- You and everyone in your party must be a member of ESCONI by Sept 9, 2020. Minimum age is 18.
- Register by sending me (Dave) an email with the number of people attending. My email is: [email protected]. I will respond within 24 hours. If you don’t hear from in that time, send it again!
- Registration ends at 11:59 PM Sept 9, 2020.
- If the trip is full I will keep a waiting list. If you register but find out that you cannot attend please let me know.
- You must have and wear a hard hat, a safety vest and sturdy boots. Long pants are required.
When you arrive at the quarry, park by the side of the road and wait for instructions.
Depending on where you live it could take a few hours to drive to the quarry. There don’t appear to be any hotels in Bellevue. If you’re staying overnight, try Battle Creek.
Some pictures of pyrite, calcite and marcasite specimens from this area can be seen at:
A very relevant article entitled “History, Geology, and Mineralogy of the Bayport Limestone Quarries, Bellevue, Eaton County, Michigan” appeared in Rocks and Minerals magazine in 2018. The author was kind enough to provide a PDF of the article which I can send (for personal use only) to any trip participant who wants it.