September 19, 2020, Paleontology Study Group Meeting
John A. Catalani
We are going to have a Paleo Study Group meeting on Saturday Sept. 19 beginning at 7:30 p.m on Zoom. The plan is to have members present their fossil finds collected since the last “Brag Night” meeting of Sept. 2019. It would be best to present your finds in photograph form. The photos should be collected in a folder for ease of access. You can then show the photos in order by advancing to each in turn. Please limit the number of photos to 20 for each participant, so all can be seen. Instructions for joining the Zoom mtg will be on the ESCONI web site. Additionally, an invitation via e-mail will be sent the day before the meeting. Zoom link.
After all photos have been presented, we will discuss future Paleo meetings. Please think about presenting a program to the group.