This is Throwback Thursday #46. In these, we look back into the past at ESCONI specifically and Earth Science in general. If you have any contributions, (science, pictures, stories, etc ...), please sent them to [email protected]. Thanks!
25 Years Ago – February 1996
- Barbara Petry was president of ESCONI.
- The general meeting was held at COD. It was called "Before the Dinosaurs: The Earliest Tetrapods and How They Got That Way" by Dr. John Bolt of the Field Museum.
- Paleontology was studying Camels and the Chairman was John Good.
- At the Paleontology meeting, Andy Hay presented a new Creature Corner - "Bivalves". A call went out to bring in specimens.
- The Archaeology Study Group continued their discussion of Native American cultures. This time it was more Olmec, Oaxaca, and Zapotec.
- A group had a tour of the Jurica Natural History Museum at Illinois Benedictine College.
- There was mention and a flyer of the upcoming show on March 2nd and 3rd.
- Dave Bergmann was Field Trip Chairman and Sheila Bergmann was Corresponding Secretary.
- 1st Vice President Karl D. Everett wrote an article called "Diamonds are Forever" for the newsletter.
- There was a thank you letter from COD for the Bill Allaway scholarship of $2000 for 1996.
50 Years Ago – February 1971
- The general meeting was held at Highland School in Downers Grove, IL. The program was "Geology in the Colorado Plateau" by Mr. Douglas Sherman from Lake Zurich, IL.
- Dick Ade was president of ESCONI.
- There were 4 junior groups - Downer Grove, Homer, Medinah, and Western Springs.
- They had a field trip to the Field Museum, where Dr. Eugene Richardson hosted a behind the scenes tour.
- The Paleontology Study Group featured a program by Jim Konecny on fossils from Rockford, IA, Sylvania, OH, and Speed, Indiana.
- The Archaeology Study Group had a presentation called "Romance of Time".
- In the newsletter, there was an article about the earliest recorded solar eclipse. Clay tablets from 1450-1200 BC were referenced from an article in "Sky and Telescope".
- Membership stood at 600 total member with 244 active, 109 associative, 44 non-resident, 189 junior, and 14 honorary.
- There were 8 pages that listed the books in the ESCONI library, which were housed at the Downers Grove Library. ESCONI librarian was Vi Radjunes. You needed an ESCONI membership card to checkout books - not a Downers Grove library card.