PBS Eons has a new episode. This one is about venomous mammals.
Check out Bizarre Beasts' episode on venomous mammals! https://youtu.be/22qAEKXe8Lo
This video contains images and video of snakes and spiders.
It's possible Euchambersia possessed venom about 20 million years before the first lizards and over 150 million years before the first snakes evolved. We’ve teamed up Sarah Suta from Bizarre Beasts to explore the story of venomous mammals, both living and extinct.
Thanks to Julio Lacerda (https://twitter.com/JulioTheArtist) and Dmitry Bogdanov for their wonderful illustrations featured throughout this episode!
Special thanks to Julien Benoit for providing us with figures for this video! “A Review of the ‘Venomous Therocephalian’ Hypothesis and How Multiple Re-Portrayals of Euchambersia Have Influenced its Success and Vice Versa.” Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France.
Produced in collaboration with PBS Digital Studios: http://youtube.com/pbsdigitalstudios