This is the "Fossil Friday" post #56. Expect this to be a somewhat regular feature of the website. We will post any fossil pictures you send in to [email protected]. Please include a short description or story. Check the #FossilFriday Twitter hash tag for contributions from around the world!
This weekend, May 15th and 16th, 2021, ESCONI returns to the Braceville spoil pile to collect Mazon Creek fossils and concretions. Last fall, we had a couple posts to show what has been found there in the past - Fossil Friday #22 and Fossil Friday #23. Today, we are going to revisit those specimens for the new visitors on this trip. Good Luck!
Animals are much more common than plants at Braceville. Jellyfish are the most plentiful, but many worms have been found. In fact, many people refer to the Braceville spoil pile as "Worm Hill".
Octomedusa pieckorum (Jellyfish)
Kallidecthes richardsoni (Shimp)
Palaeoxyris sp. (Shark egg case)
Paucijaculum samamithion (Arrow worm)
Dryptoscolex matthiesae (Rat worm)
Aviculopecten mazonensis (Scallop)
Mazopherusa prinosi (Fan worm)
While relatively rare compared to animals, there has been a good variety of plant fossils found at Braceville.
Laveiniopteris rarinervis