A. a fern (Neuropteris); B. amphibian eggs; C. a ringed (annelid) worm; D. bark and a leaf scar of a giant seed fern (Ulodendron), which reached heights upwards of 130 feet; E. Illinois’ state fossil, the Tully monster (Tullimonstrum gregarium), was an aquatic invertebrate that some scientists believe may deserve its own phylum; F. a small bony fish (Elonichthys); G. the orientation of bivalves, or burrowing mollusks, can be seen in the shale as if they were trying to dig out of the silt that was accumulating on top of them; H. Annularia were leaves of tree-sized relatives of the modern horsetail; I. Euproops thompsoni, a small relative of the modern horseshoe crab; J. a shrimp (Acanthotelson stimpsoni); K. an extinct order of an omnivorous crustacean, Belotelson magister; L. a seed fern (Neuropteris); M. an unsegmented worm, Priapulites konecniorum; N. the whorled leaves of Annularia stellata, a relative of the modern horsetail.
The topic of our Paleontology Study Group meeting is "Collecting Mazon Creek Fossils". It will be presented by ESCONI President Keith Robitschek. The presentation will include State Park Links, Maps, Surface Collecting Concretions, Concretion Storage, Opening, Cleaning, and Care.
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