The ESCONI November 2021 Paleontology will be held on Saturday, November, 20th, 2021 at 7:30 PM. We are doing another hybrid in-person/Zoom meeting. The presentation is by ESCONI member Mike Payne. It's called "The Linton Ohio Coal Mine; a unique look into Carboniferous Tetrapods". The Diamond Coal Mine in Linton, OH dates to the mid 1800's and interesting fossils were collected from the shales since the very beginning. The deposit dates to around 300 million years. Over the years, thousands of specimens of Pennsylvanian vertebrates have been collected from the site. This list includes fish, amphibians, and reptiles.
The photos below are from John Spina Jr. and were also used in Fossil Friday #37.
Topic: Linton Ohio Mine
Presented By: Mike Payne
Time: Nov 20, 2021 07:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
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