The ESCONI February 2022 General Meeting will be on February 11th, 2022 at 8:00 PM via Zoom. The talk will be presented by Dr. Douglas MacDonald from the University of Montana, The title of his presentation is "Before Yellowstone: Native American Archaeology in the First National Park”. An article in the January 2021 edition of Smithsonian Magazine is about his research and his book by the same name as his presentation "Before Yellowstone: Native American Archaeology in the First National Park".
Left: For more than 11,000 years, Obsidian Cliff served as an invaluable source of volcanic glass, which Native Americans fashioned into razor-sharp arrowheads and spear tips. Right: Last summer, archaeologist Doug MacDonald (at Yellowstone Lake) and his team unearthed a Nez Perce encampment from 1877, when they fled the U.S. Cavalry. Andrew Geiger
“The big myth about Yellowstone is that it’s a pristine wilderness untouched by humanity,” says MacDonald. “Native Americans were hunting and gathering here for at least 11,000 years. They were pushed out by the government after the park was established. The Army was brought in to keep them out, and the public was told that Native Americans were never here in the first place because they were afraid of the geysers.”
MacDonald is slim, clean-cut, in his early 50s. Originally from central Maine, he is a professor of anthropology at the University of Montana and the author of a recent book, Before Yellowstone: Native American Archaeology in the National Park. Drawing on his own extensive discoveries in the field, the work of previous archaeologists, the historical record and Native American oral traditions, MacDonald provides an essential account of Yellowstone’s human past. Tobin Roop, chief of cultural resources at Yellowstone, says, “As an archaeologist, working in partnership with the park, MacDonald has really opened up our understanding of the nuances and complexities of the prehistory.”
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