This is Mazon Monday post #107. What's your favorite Mazon Creek fossil? Tell us at email:[email protected].
Back in Mazon Monday #18, we posted some interesting book inscriptions from the Langford Mazon Creek books. The highlights were Bill Allaway's book owned by Dave Carlson and John McLuckie's book owned by Jack Wittry.
This week, I received a photo of an interesting inscription from a copy of the book "Mazon Creek Fossils" by Matthew Nitecki. We looked at that book back in Mazon Monday #42. It contains the proceedings of a symposium at the University of Michigan during the annual meeting of the Geological Society of America held on May 1st, 1978. The book is dedicated to Dr. Eugene S. Richardson, Jr., who was the Curator of Invertebrate Paleontology at the Field Museum of Natural History from the early 1950's until 1983. The book is still very relevant with papers by true giants in the history of Mazon Creek research.
Oh, it has a historical picture (page 48) of Torino Hill before it was surrounded by the lake... too back it wasn't a closer shot!
A shaft mine spoil pile near Braceville, IL (Torino Hill)
This inscription comes from ESCONI member Rob Coleman. It's signed to Frank Greene by both Eugene Richardson, Jr. and Gordon Baird. Frank Greene was a Mazon collector of some note having two animals named for him... a jawless fish Gipicthys greenei and a jellyfish Reticulomedusa greenei, which is mentioned in Richardson's inscription.
Check your books and please let us know if you have something to share!