This is "Fossil Friday" post #133. Expect this to be a somewhat regular feature of the website. We will post any fossil pictures you send in to [email protected]. Please include a short description or story. Check the #FossilFriday Twitter hash tag for contributions from around the world!
Tully Monsters are always popular fossils. They come in all shapes and sizes. Known only from Illinois, the State Fossil of Illinois has been reported from three localities - Pit 11 (where most have been found), Chowder Flats (an old fossil collecting site west of Morris, IL off Route 6), and the Sunspot Mine near Astoria, IL. This interesting Tullymonstrum gregarium specimen comes from an uncommon locality. It hails from the Mazon River near Morris, IL. That makes it a very rare specimen! It's contained in a siderite concretion, which certainly has the look of a river stone.
The photos of this gorgeous specimen were provided by it's owner ESCONI member Jeremy Zimmerman. Thanks for sharing, Jeremy!