This is the "Fossil Friday" post #154. Expect this to be a somewhat regular feature of the website. We will post any fossil pictures you send in to [email protected]. Please include a short description or story. Check the #FossilFriday Twitter hash tag for contributions from around the world!
We have a real treat today... a very rare, some would say "Holy Grail", Mazon Creek fish... Platysomus circularis! Known as the "panfish" due to its likeness to some modern day freshwater fish. We looked at P. circularis in Mazon Monday #157. This small concretion includes another rare animal Pemphilimnadiopsis ortoni, a branchiopod! Look in the lower right near the edge of the concretion.
This little beauty comes from ESCONI member David Duck. Thanks for sharing! Congratulations, it's not often you get two rare animals on one concretion!