This is Throwback Thursday #177. In these, we look back into the past at ESCONI specifically and Earth Science in general. If you have any contributions, (science, pictures, stories, etc ...), please sent them to [email protected]. Thanks!
We've featured the poems of Charles Schweitzer a few times in the past. In Throwback Thursday #59, we looked at "The Rock Pile", TBT #73 was "The Rockhound's Wish", and TBT #98 was "The Rock I Threw Away". All of these appear in his book of poems titled "Rhymes of the Rockhounds", which was published in the mid 1950's.
The Rockhound's Creed
HERE, take a lot of rocks," he said,
And all too gladly I was led
Where piles of rocks, a treasure store
Of agates, nodules, quartz and more
Were waiting for the cutter's wheel
To fashion them with felt and steel.
"So fill your sack, I like to start
Just such as you in the cutting art;
And think not I am overkind,
For there are many who you find
Will gladly share and gladly show
The tricks of trade that you should know.
One thing we pass on - don't forget,
The more you give, the more you get."-- Charles Schweitzer --