This is the "Fossil Friday" post #177. Expect this to be a somewhat regular feature of the website. We will post any fossil pictures you send in to [email protected]. Please include a short description or story. Check the #FossilFriday Twitter hash tag for contributions from around the world!
Today's fossil is a very nice horseshoe crab from the Mazon River. The owner of this beauty is Lil Magnussen. Lil is a long time ESCONI member, who rarely misses our Braceville field trips. She's been collecting Mazon Creek fossils since the 1960's!
Euproops danae was described by Fielding Bradford Meek in 1867. Meek was an American geologist and paleontologist who specialized in invertebrates. E. danae was highlighted in Mazon Monday #21.
Thanks for the contribution, Lil!