This is Throwback Thursday #194. In these, we look back into the past at ESCONI specifically and Earth Science in general. If you have any contributions, (science, pictures, stories, etc ...), please sent them to [email protected]. Thanks!
This "Glossary of Rockhound Terms" appeared in the September 1993 newsletter. The Rocket City Rocks & Gems refers to the Huntsville Gem & Mineral Society (HGMS). The club hails from Huntsville, Alabama and is alive and well in 2023. They were founded in 1961 with 15 members. The 2023 Fall Gem, Jewelry, and Mineral show was held on October 6th-8th, 2023. Their moto is “We’ll go to the Moon for a Rock”.
And, I'm pleased to say they still call their junior members...
Geologist - Person who learned about rocks in school.
Rockhound - Person who learned about rocks the hard way.
Pebble Pup - Smart mouthed kid who know more about rocks than you.
Field Trip - Impossible trek to inaccessible places for non-existent specimens.
Geologists Pick - Handy gadget that you always have with you when you don't need it and always leave at home when you do.
Field Polish - Spit
Field Kit - Paper bag to put specimens in.
Rock Show - Bunch of people displaying their best specimens and another bunch selling their worst.
Swap - Mutual swindle.
Station Wagon - Vehicle designed to accommodate colossal greed of rockhounds.
Dop Stick - Tinkertoy stick to mount gemstones on for cutting when your fingers are reduced to bloody stumps.
Tumbler - Piece of equipment costing at least $25 which makes $250 worth of stones sale-able at 25 cents.
-- from Rocket City Rocks & Gems via Pioneer 8/93 --