This is Throwback Thursday #199. In these, we look back into the past at ESCONI specifically and Earth Science in general. If you have any contributions, (science, pictures, stories, etc ...), please sent them to [email protected]. Thanks!
Micraster coranguinum, Croham Lane Pit, Croydon, Greater London, England, UK
25 Years Ago - February 1999
- The General Meeting featured Jim Holstein of the Field Museum speaking about his adventures collecting fish in the Green River Formation in Wyoming
- The Paleontology Study Group was discussing the Miocene... large sharks, whales, and the first hominids.
- Don and Marge Brazda were nominated for honorary membership. They both served in many capacities over the years.
- Dino News had a piece about the evolution of early birds, which was a hot topic in the late 1990's.
- The Burpee held the "Out of the Rock Paleo Festival" at the end of February 1999
50 Years Ago - February 1974
- The General Meeting title was "The Realm of the Incas" by Harold McCleary.
- The Lizzadro Museum held a "Show and Tell" at the museum. ESCONI was a participant
- The Paleontology Study Group was planning for the Flower and Garden Show at the McCormick Place in Chicago.
- For the Mineralogy Study Group, John Ade did a presentation on Gold, with a few mentions of Silver.
- The Fossil of the Month was Microcaster coranguinum an echinoderm from the Cretaceous of the UK.
- Dick Ade wrote an article "Early Man in the Americas" for the newsletter. It discussed finding presented at the Chicago Academy of Sciences
- ESCONI raised funds for the Koster dig site near Eldred, IL. Koster is an archaeological site dating to almost 7500 BCE.
70 Years Ago - February 1954
- For the General Meeting, Ray Bish spoke about "Rocks and Minerals as a Hobby".
- The Archaeology Group were discussing "Problems in Displaying Exhibits in Archaeology, Geology, Paleontology, etc. for the Public".
- Dr. BenHur Wilson purchased "Earth Science Digest" and announced it would resume publication. ESCONI had a close relationship with the magazine for many years.
- Howard Knight wrote "World's Deepest Well" for the newsletter. At the time, the deepest well was 16,264 feet by the Standard Oil Company in 1945 near South Coles Levee and Elk Hills in California.