This is Throwback Thursday #202. In these, we look back into the past at ESCONI specifically and Earth Science in general. If you have any contributions, (science, pictures, stories, etc ...), please sent them to [email protected]. Thanks!
A cover from 1957
Rock & Minerals magazine has been in existence since 1926. They are currently published by Taylor and Francis. Here are their "Aims and scope" directly from their website.
Publishing on specimen mineralogy, mineral localities, geology and paleontology since 1926.
Rocks & Minerals, with its treasure-trove of in-depth, relevant feature articles and spectacular color images, has been enticing hobbyists and academics alike since 1926. Through the years it has evolved into a highly respected, award-winning journal for all who are interested in specimen mineralogy, mineral localities, geology, and paleontology. Its international community of readers savors the diversity of articles and trusts in their peer-reviewed, authoritative content. Regular columns explore such topics as minerals for the collector; microminerals; recent books, videos, and DVDs; coming events; museum news; and personalities in the field. Detailed lists of collecting opportunities in specific areas are published periodically, as are special theme issues.
Rocks & Minerals works with the Mineralogical Society of America to bridge the gap between collectors and professional mineralogists, and it is affiliated with the Friends of Mineralogy, the Midwest Federation of Mineralogical and Geological Societies, and the Eastern Federation of Mineralogical and Lapidary Societies.
ESCONI was founded on November 11th, 1949 in Bill Allaway's basement. In the January/February 1950 edition of Rocks & Minerals magazine, ESCONI appeared in the "CLUB AND SOCIETY NOTES" section for the first time. Stevens T. Norvell III wrote the article. Stevens was the first club treasurer. He wrote many articles for the ESCONI newsletter over the years, even after moving to Colorado in 1952. There was a contest to design the ESCONI logo in March 1950, which Stevens won (see Throwback Thursday #169).
Friday evening. November 25, thirty enthusiastic people met at the home of Dr. I. G. Spiesman of Downers Grove, Illinois, to organize an earth science club for the benefit of those living in the populous suburban area between Chicago and Aurora, north of Joliet. Mr. William H. Allaway acted as temporary chairman. Several committees were formed, and the balance of the evening was spent in listening to a lecture by Stevens T. Norvell on, "Geological Features of the West." It was illustrated with eighty kodachrome slides.
No name was selected for the club. This will be done at the next meeting when those present will be requested to write their suggestions for a club name on a black board. The club name will then be selected by ballot, and the author of the winning name will be awarded a slab of blond opalized wood from Logan, Montana.
An invitation to attend a meeting is extended to everyone interested minerals, fossils, geologic formations, ancient man, gold or silver smithing. For full information as to where the meeting will be held and how to get there, call Stevens T. Norvell on phone, Western Springs 2831 (Chicago phone, Lawndale, 1-5000, extension 1881) or Mr. William M. Allaway on phone, Downers Grove 129-J.
Stevens T. Norvell,
4449 Howard Avenue,
Western Springs, III.