This is the "Fossil Friday" post #208. Expect this to be a somewhat regular feature of the website. We will post any fossil pictures you send in to [email protected]. Please include a short description or story. Check the #FossilFriday Twitter hash tag for contributions from around the world!
This week's contribution comes from Pat Kelly, who stopped by to say hello at the ESCONI Gem, Mineral, and Fossil Show back in March. He's been collecting at Pit 11 with his daughter for a few years. He had a bit of luck last year when he found a very nice Mamayocaris jaskoskii (see Mazon Monday #143). Sometimes referred to as the "Lobster", M. jaskoskii was described in 1974 by Frederick Schram in the paper "The Mazon Creek Caridoid Crustacea", which appeared in Fieldiana, Volume 30, No. 2. It was named in honor of Professor B. J. Jaskoski of Loyola University of Chicago.
When Pat picked up the concretion, it was in three pieces. And, he didn't realize what it was, as there wasn't much detail exposed.
A little cleaning and repair along with some additional freeze/thaw to free the last piece, brought out the exquisite preservation in this specimen.
Thanks for sharing this beautiful fossil, Pat! Hope you have some nice surprises this year!