ESCONI has been very involved in the identification of Mazon Creek fossils for many years. From the legendary George Langford books, to the keys to identify Mazon Creek fossils, to the books of Jack Wittry, we have provided useful resources. The Mazon Creek Fossil Fauna reference book was published in 2012 and is a complete and updated taxonomic guide that includes descriptions and color photos of species that collectors are likely to find in the field or see in most large collections. Now, Jack has finished the Comprehensive Guide to the Fossil Flora of Mazon Creek. It is the definitive reference guide to Mazon Creek fossil flora.
These books were created with the help, expertise, specimens and work of many members of the Earth Science Club of Northern Illinois.
A Comprehensive Guide to the Fossil Flora of Mazon Creek, by Jack Wittry (2020, hardcover)
A Comprehensive Guide to the Fossil Flora of Mazon Creek, by Jack Wittry (2020, softcover)
The Mazon Creek Fossil Fauna, by Jack Wittry (hard cover)
The Mazon Creek Fossil Fauna, by Jack Wittry (soft cover)
You can purchase the books at club functions like General Meetings, Study Group Meetings, Field Trips, etc. Or, look for our books on ebay and Amazon.